World of Warcraft
Patch 10.2.6

WoW Wilde schwarze Kampfschildkröte

Savage Ebony Battle Turtle
Item Level 10

Binds to Warband
Mount Account-wide
Use: Teaches you how to summon a rideable Savage Ebony Battle Turtle. This mount swims fast and can't move very quickly on land, but it doesn't need to. It has cannons.
Summons and dismisses a rideable Savage Ebony Battle Turtle. This mount swims fast and can't move very quickly on land, but it doesn't need to. It has cannons.
Requires level 1 to 70 70
Requires Apprentice Riding
Sell Price: 1

"The cannons are powered by an unquenchable rage to seek out enemies and bring them to justice. Nothing can outrun a cannon."

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